7 Habits of Successful Construction Business Owners (Infographic)

Successfully managing a construction company is not an easy feat. It is a multifaceted endeavor that requires not only knowledge of common business operations and practices, but also requires a great deal of agile thinking, perseverance, and hard work – a few of the characteristics that make a good builder.

Statistically speaking, the start-up failure rate in the Australian construction industry is quite high, with recent reports saying that 3.1% of the sector – 2026 companies – are facing “high to severe” financial risk, with nearly half, 931, in the $1 million -$10 million turnover bracket.

So what differentiates successful construction business owners from the rest? Beyond just having the necessary skills and knowledge of running a company, successful builders also share some common habits – even though seemingly of minor significance in the eyes of non-business people – that make them as successful as they are.

Here are seven habits you can learn and adapt from successful construction business owners.

7 Habits of Successful Construction Business Owners_infographicimagNFIE