Construction Business Insight: Why Customer Feedback Is Crucial To Your Success? – Infographic

Customer feedbacks – regardless if they’re positive or negative – can significantly help your construction business in many ways. A single reaction from your present client can help enhance your workers conduct on-site up to the overall efficiency of your project operations over the long haul.

Hence, every business should strive to provide their customers only the best. However, this can’t be achieved without an effective means of communication.

Customer needs and preferences change from time to time, and asking for their feedback, whether positive or negative, is the only way that your business can adapt to it.

Moreover, it can also make your customers feel important and involved. Asking for feedback means that you value their opinion and that they can take part in shaping your products and services.

Having said that, here are the reasons why both positive and negative customer feedback are important to businesses:


Positive feedback serves as:

A powerful motivator

Positive feedback means that your customers are satisfied with your service and proves that all the hard work has been worth it and that you’re on the right track. This sense of accomplishment will motivate your employees to thrive and serve your customers even better.

An Image booster

Positive responses from customers, especially online reviews, will help you build a good business reputation and reach more potential customers for your business.

According to Forbes, 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business while 84% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Moreover, 74% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more.

Negative feedback is:


Although negative responses and complaints are somewhat upsetting, they should be viewed as constructive criticisms. These are indicators of customer dissatisfaction, which imply that your customers were expecting more from you. While positive feedback tells you where you’re good at, negative feedback tells you what you need to improve or change so that you can tailor your services to their needs.

The best way to handle negative feedback is to respond quickly and politely. Quick and polite responses will manifest your commitment to providing  your customers with the best service, understanding their needs, and solving their problems.


Contrary to common knowledge that negative responses are all thorns and no roses, they can actually make your business more trustworthy.

According to High Speed Training, 68% of consumers are more likely to trust a company when they see both good and bad reviews. Moreover, 30% of consumers suspect that a business is just covering-up a customer service blunder or the reviews are just made-up when they don’t see any negative reviews.

Nevertheless, you must strive to keep the number of negative responses down and the positive responses up to get your business to the top.

Bizprac’s new feature, Bizprac Online, will enable your clients to log in, view and approve color or product selections and give comments.

Using it for your business will provide an online platform for an effective two-way communication between you and your clients.  Visit our website today at to learn more about Bizprac and our construction project management software.