I loved the software so much I bought the business Part 4 – FINAL

If you have not read part 1, part 2 or part 3 then please click and read.  Now it is time to move forward…

This final chapter starts as the end of 2010, I have been in the business now for a few years.  My wife and I are now the sole owners and directors of all of Bizprac and its associated business entities.

In the ensuing 6 years or so, there have been many hurdles to overcome. Not the least of which, was the need to research and source a new programming language to upgrade Bizprac to a superior and more stable platform.  If we were to continue to provide competitive software for the building industry, Bizprac needed to move into the 21st century. We needed to provide continuous upgrading of functionality.

My vision for our clients is to be able to:

  • Navigate around their new Bizprac without a requiring a steep learning curve
  • Embrace new upgrades and features, with confidence.
  • Meet legal reporting requirements directly from within Bizprac
  • Feel like we listen and support.
  • Improve the use of their Bizprac by embracing training for them and their staff
  • Feel they are understood – (to achieve this we engaged professional consultants to seek feedback from our clients to continually improve Bizprac in all areas of the business.)

I was very fortunate to be able to encourage the original Bizprac programming gurus, Peter Donovan and Tony Mellor to come back on board. It is with their help, dedication and skills over the past 6 plus years, that we have achieved all the required total re-write and upgrading to today’s Bizprac version 12 and to enable the continued advancement of Bizprac into the future software for the building industry.

Speaking from my personal experience, I genuinely believe that Bizprac will provide the very best business tool to allow you to see how to run a successful construction company.  Like me, you will achieve this through comprehensive and fully integrated software for the building industry.  This will provide you with accurate and transparent reporting on all your most important business needs, your projects, cash flow and profitability.

Nothing in the past 40 plus years of being involved in the building and construction industry, can match Bizprac with the ease of set up and use. I speak from personal experience over the years using various different software for the building industry and make this statement with hand on heart.

So to summarise, why did “I love the product so much – I bought the business”

 To realise one of my life’s missions; to help builders be more profitable so less go broke.

Bizprac Mission Statement.

To engage with, educate and inform builders about using a single software package to improve profitability and simplify their business