If you’re reading this you’re about to experience the satisfaction of using game-changing software for your business. Even some of the best builders have experienced losses during a building or construction project either by miscalculations, omissions or sheer incompetence. However, that is in the past, with Bizprac, builders estimating software, you no longer need to worry. Perhaps have you realized that you need to make changes in the way you track your budget to actuals. Do you find yourself spending much more than you budgeted to complete a project? Even at the point where the project should be providing returns….Frustrating isn’t it?
How to Generate A Profitable Quote
To generate profits from your business, there are some vital considerations that need to be put in place which includes:
- Accurate and current pricing from your suppliers allow you to have an accurate budget. By suppliers, we mean materials suppliers and also sub-contractors. Bizprac builders estimating software has a revolutionary process that allows you to import current pricing into the program. This allows you to commence with a more accurate budget. Bizprac also has a process that allows you to track in “real time”, your actuals, against your budget.
- Set your project cost management and builders payroll up in a manner that you can track the project in detail. Bizprac has job costing modules that allow you to track budget to actual estimations so you can see where in the project you are saving or losing money.
- Understand your project scope before you sign the contract. When you are using your own supplier price lists and use a tool within Bizprac called “missed items”, you can be confident of your realized profit.
- Keep your finger on the pulse in real time during your project. Use purchase orders to track your creditor raised invoices. This can also ensure that no order creating or processing errors are incurred i.e. you don’t pay twice, or to ensure you didn’t order twice. This is especially useful when you have a project manager also ordering. Bizprac allows you to sort and preview costs in your preferences to see why you have a discrepancy in your budget to actuals. This allows you to either correct, if there is a data entry error, adjust other areas of the project to compensate for the financial loss (if it is one you have to wear) alternatively, address with a variation should one be required.
- Zero down losses with a professional project management software. If you are running a $500,000.00 project and make an error that costs you 5%. That equates to $25,000.00 taken from your profit. Can you afford to lose this amount? Bizprac allows you look at historical data on previous projects to see if you have trends of losing money in a particular area of a project. Moving forward, you can adjust quotes so that you realize the profit margin you have applied when estimating the job.
Builders Estimating Software
With Bizprac builders estimating software, the cost-saving possibilities are unlimited. You are able to keep track of costs in “real time” as you apply to purchase orders, invoices and payments to the project and variations. At any time, you will see the contract status and know if you are paying for the project or if your client is paying for the project. Imagine what you could do with a tool which allows you to track budget to actuals just by going about your day to day activities!
If you would like to see more detailed information in this area on profit accumulation for your business, please contact our sales team either by email or phone.
Read more about our estimating software or visit our Bizprac for more information.