How The Quality of Software Support Can Make or Break a Business

Many business owners view premium and innovated software support as a luxury instead of a necessity. As a result, many businesses stick to the software support they have and know how to use, thinking that it will suffice and help them cut back their expenses.

Having that said, let’s unveil the truth to how the quality of software support can make or break a business:


In any business field, accuracy is the main priority. Whether it is tracking employee productivity and progress, accounting, managing payroll, or managing assets, errors should be avoided as much as possible because it can cost your business a fortune.

Although second-rate software systems are more affordable, they often have bugs due to poor software design and coding. These software bugs can cause glitches and incorrect data entry and miscalculations.

Take it from the Queensland health payroll system debacle in 2010 wherein approximately 78,000 Queensland health staff were either underpaid, overpaid or not paid at all, costing taxpayers $1.2 billion.


Outdated software systems are vulnerable to malwares that can damage or disable computers. Some malwares are even used by hackers to collect sensitive and confidential data that can be used in fraudulent activities.  

Last 2017, 516,380 small Australian businesses fell victim to cybercrime, costing them an average of $10,000 AUD per attack.

Moving on to the perpetrators, while most hacking incidents were done by outsiders, some are inside jobs. According to a McAfee study, 43% of data breaches were done by internal actors which include employees, contractors and third-party suppliers. Hence, it is important that your software support team keeps your system secure, updated, and constantly monitored to minimise cybersecurity threats.  

Ease of usage and productivity

Businesses use software systems to accomplish tasks easier and faster. However, not all software programs respond fast and are easy to navigate.

Outdated and unsupported software systems even decrease the productivity of its user instead of optimising it.

Aside from inadequate functionalities, outdated software systems usually cause interruptions like sudden hangs and freezes that may have a frustrating effect to the user as well.

According to a Forrester study, 75% of employees are having a hard time using and accessing information in their enterprise systems and applications.

While according to Nuance, lost productivity due to outdated software system usage can cost up to $840 USD per employee per year.

With cutting-edge features that will improve your accuracy and productivity and supporting features for security, using Bizprac, the software for builders will take your business to greater heights.

Contact us today to learn more about Bizprac and our construction management software.
